Roatan Grocery Stores Guide + Fresh Food Secrets from a Local!
Looking for the best places to get groceries in Roatan?
So you’re living on the vibrant island of Roatan, Honduras – hey me too! Now that you’ve settled in to island life, you are ready to be more independent and start cooking your meals at home.
As an avid cook, finding fresh vegetables and fruits was one of my first missions when I moved to the island, and it was harder than I expected.
Roatan does not have much agriculture of its own, so most things have to be shipped to the island from the mainland or abroad. That makes finding locally grown, organic produce difficult.
Lucky for you , I have spent my time living on the island finding the best ways to shop for groceries in Roatan, and I’m going to share my secrets with you. So let’s get cooking!
Roatan Grocery Stores Guide

Eldon’s – Best All-Around Grocery Store in Roatan
Eldon’s is the biggest grocery chain on the island. their supply network allows them to offer better produce, and be more consistent than other stores in Roatan.
I do a lot of international cooking so I look for imported ingredients. Additionally my mum has a gluten allergy. Eldon’s has the best selection of international food and specialty products like:
- Chickpea (Garbanzo bean) flour, Almond flour, and other gluten free flours
- Asian sauces (rice vinegar, sesame seed oil, mirin)
- A deli with cheeses and cured meats
- Wider selection of fruits and vegetables.
- Vegan and vegetarian substitutes
Location: There are a few Eldon’s in Roatan, but the best one is in French Harbour.
Eldon’s French Harbour
Eldon’s Coxen Hole
Eldon’s Coxen Hole Port

Location: Sandy Bay Ramirez Ramirez Coxen Hole
Ramirez is not my favourite grocery store in Roatan, but it’s the one I visit the most because it’s easier to access from the West End than Eldon’s. They have other locations on the island as well, but the one in Sandy Bay is the only one I go to.
The Ramirez in Sandy Bay is where I go when I need something immediately, and I can’t find it in the West End or on Sompopo.
Ramirez and Eldon’s are both supermarkets that sell everything from food to cleaning & home supplies.

Sompopo – Best Grocery Delivery Service in Roatan
This is actually my favourite way to get my groceries in Roatan. Sompopo has great products, reasonable prices, and offers incredibly quick delivery almost anywhere on the island!
Sompopo is a Honduran grocery delivery app found in many cities in Honduras. Instead of a traditional grocery store, Sompopo is a food warehouse. There is no location you can visit.
Orders are made via their app, and then delivered by motorcycle.
Sompopo is great for:
- grocery staples
- beer and alcohol
- household items like toilet paper and cleaning supplies
- you can even get Tigo sim cards and ATM cash delivered!
Sompopo does not have:
- a good bread selection
- a broad selection of vegetables
- reliable inventory (though this is an island problem, not a Sompopo problem)
How to have your groceries delivered in Roatan via Sompopo:
- Download the mobile app
- Make an account (you need a Honduran phone number for this)
- Add your address
- Get Shopping!
You can pay with a credit card when placing your order, or with cash upon grocery delivery. If paying cash you will have an option to ask for change during the checkout process.

Coconut Tree – Best Fruit Stand in the West End, Roatan
Right next to Coconut Tree Divers in the West End is a little corner store and fruit stand of the same name.
Coconut Tree Mini Market has the best fruit and vegetables available in the West End, as is easily walkable from any accommodations in the West End.
Other mini markets in the West End
Roa Market
Next to the ATM & Drunken Sailor, Roa Market is a beautiful and air conditioned mini-market. Its unique in that it has a great liquor selection and offers cash back in both lempiras and USD.
Woody’s Grocery
A local market on the east side of west end providing the essentials.
Roatan Farmer’s Market
Roatan Farmer’s Market Map Location
Pair your grocery shopping with an adventure to Roatan’s East End with a trip to the Roatan Farmer’s Market.
Operating on Saturday mornings from 8am – noon, the roatan Farmer’s market is run by Honduran-Canadian couple Manderson & Lisa with goods made on the island or grown on their small patch of land in Politilly Bight.
Manderson also operates a small fishing boat and sells his fresh catch!
But my favourite part of the Roatan Farmer’s Market is a fresh fish taco with mango salsa while looking out over the water.
At the Roatan Farmer’s Market you can buy:
- fresh fish
- fresh seasonal fruit
- bread & home baked goods
- Honduran Coffee
- Locally made products like coconut oil, salsa, bug spray, and juices
If he has time, Manderson will give you a tour around the grounds and teach you about some of the things they grow there. My parents loved learning about how cashews and hog plums grow!
Freddy’s Organic Farm
Freddy’s Organic Farm Maps Location
Just as unique as the Farmer’s Market, but much closer to the West End we find Freddy’s Organic Farm.
Nearly hidden next to the PetroSun, behind Los Corales Hotel, Freddy has a little kiosk set up in front of his home that masks the large and healthy garden thriving in the back.
I consider Freddy’s Roatan’s best vegetable stand, as he grows everthign from radishes to greens to chickens.
He also fishes and usually has snapper available, and Wahoo if you’re lucky!
Freddy’s is open most days, you just have to shop up and hope for the best!

Maya Fresh Farms
Location: Honduras Mainland, they will deliver to you
Maya Fresh Farm is technically located on the mainland of Honduras, but they deliver to Roatan every Tuesday. This is the best way to consistently get fresh produce in Roatan!
How to order from Maya Farms:
- Join their Facebook group
- See the weekly offerings in the “Featured Section”
- Place your order by posting in the Facebook Group before Sunday at noon
- They will deliver on Tuesday
if you have a Honduran bank account you can pay via transfer easily. If not, you can pay with cash upon delivery – just make sure you let them know what change you need in advance.
What you can buy from Maya Farms:
- fresh greens like lettuce and spinach
- fresh herbs like dill, basil, mint
- fresh Orange and Lime juice
- Mojito mix
- nasturtium flowers
I love ordering from Maya Farms because I get just what I need for the week. Everything is washed and delicious!
Groceries You Cannot Get in Roatan
Here are some ingredients, spices, and sauces that I struggle to find in Roatan:
- Mustard Oil
- Chinese 5 spice
- Curry
- Greek spice
Otherwise, you can get nearly everything you need on the island!
FAQs About Grocery Stores in Roatan
Is there a Walmart on Roatan?
No – there used to be but the Walmart on Roatan closed several years ago.
Eldon’s and Ramirez are the closest things to Walmart in Roatan.
Is food expensive in Roatan?
Yes – most visitors find the price of food in Roatan to be similar to heir home countries.
Remember that Roatan is an island and not much is grown here, so everything has to be shipped in. That drives up the prices in addition to tourism and inflation.
Shev’s Summary: How to Shop for Food in Roatan
While I have listed all the possible ways to do your grocery shopping while living in or visiting Roatan, here is how I actually buy most of my food while living in Roatan:
Maya Farms: I order all my greens and herbs here weekly
Freddy’s Organic Farm: I get my fresh fish, whole chickens, eggs, and whatever veggies they have ready here
Sompopo: Anything else, I order from Sompopo as needed. Even though I have a car, I work a lot and it takes a lot of time for me to get to Eldon’s or Ramirez. Sompopo is a life saver!
When doing an adventure to French Harbour for other reasons, I like to visit Eldon’s and Eldon’s Green just for fun to see what they have!